Look for other scrap pieces that could work as accessories. Its neat to see that they gave the Fallout characters a line of Dorbz vinyl figures Fallout fans are going to love this. While you're there, pick up a plastic pipe (irrigation or plumbing department) and some metal silver spray paint - you can create yourself a nice looking fake metal pipe in minutes that way. I give two examples of such game heroes: the Lone Wanderer from Fallout 3 and Commander Shepard from the Mass Effect series.

You can find a variety of belts at stores like Home Depot. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Fallout Legacy Collection Lone Wanderer 101 Funko Action Figure at the best online prices at. A utility belt with a pocket for accessories is a must. There are lots of variations on the Vault 101 jumpsuit outfit, but you may want to consider some patches or pockets to add to the suit.

Likewise, you'll need the number 101 (or other variations, if you're going for another vault) - either make yourself the numerals out of yellow cloth or grab some iron-on heat transfer ones from a sports store. If you can't find iron-on strips, just get a pack of 1's, cut them into straight strips and iron them on to form a line. To give it the Fallout touch, you'll either need yellow cloth strips that you sew on to the collar and lapel, or get yourself some yellow iron-on decals. Every year, some company makes horror-themed blue jump suits (eg: killer mechanic, Michael Myers) that will do just fine. Player starting characters have a 85 chance to start with cryptosleep sickness.You will start with the research: Hydroponics. If you can't sew your own, just buy one of the many blue mechanic jumpsuits / overalls available online (eg, at Amazon). When the bombs dropped you thought the world had ended, but you had survived: lost and alone in the fallout Your faction will be a New Arrivals, starting with 1 person.